Friday, May 29, 2020
Distance work during corona times puts focus on several issues. One of them is electronic signatures. Now, the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) has compiled the most common questions and answers on its website.

As more and more companies and individuals take the step into the digital world to leave printed annual reports and printed agreements behind them, new questions are raised. For example, what applies if you want to sign electronically? The issue is highly relevant at the Swedish Companies Registration Office as companies to a greater extent than before choose to draw up, for example, minutes and annual reports digitally. In order for the authority to approve documents signed electronically, the signatures must be so-called advanced electronic signatures.


To facilitate business, the Swedish Companies Registration Office has published the most frequently asked questions and answers on its web. There, for example, you can find the answers to whether the separate voucher created by the signature service must be sent, how the document should be dated if the electronic signatures are made at different dates and if it is okay to send electronically signed documents via e-mail.


The Swedish Companies Registration Office also lists which documents may, or may not, be signed by electronic signature.


Charlotta Martinge


Read more: The Swedish Companies Registration Office on electronic signatures


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