Friday, March 13, 2020
The elimination of the salary deduction and the opportunity to get deferred payment of employer contributions and certain taxes. These are some of the measures the government wants to take with regard to the COVID-19 virus.

On Wednesday, the government presented a proposal for an amending budget due to COVID-19 virus. Backing the amending budget are the Social Democrats, the Center Party, the Liberals, and the Environment Party. Among other things, it is proposed that the first sick day deduction (Karens day) be eliminated. The state will pay out sick pay from the first day. At the same time, the grant for so-called infectious carrier monetary contribution is increased. The purpose behind this is to reduce the spread of infection and the burden on the healthcare system. The proposal also offers companies the opportunity to delay payment of employer contributions and employees' provisional tax for up to one year. The focus is for the deferral to apply for employer contributions and preliminary taxes for a maximum of two months. At the same time, the Government announces that as the situation may change rapidly, a dialogue is being held with the Riksdag in order for quick decisions to be made.

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